Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about Wriddle, or have a question about using Wriddle, please fill out this form and we will be happy to get back to you.

Forgotten usernames or passwords

Wriddle accounts through your school do not contain contact information for users, therefore it is not possible for Wriddle to provide forgotten login credentials. This information must be retrieved from your school or district.


Wriddle has an extensive library of reference materials to help you learn to use all of Wixie's features.

Go to the Wriddle Help

Wriddle Voluntary Product Accessibility Template: Download VPAT

Questions and Ordering

If you need to email or fax a purchase order, or check the status of your order, feel free to contact us at the numbers below. Our office hours are from 8:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Time.

Toll Free: (877)834-5453

Phone: (619)563-5348


6549 Mission Gorge Rd. #368
San Diego, CA 92120

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New York City - SHOPDOE

Wriddle is available for schools in New York City Public Schools to purchase through the SHOPDOE purchasing system.
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